How to add free vpn to windows 11 | Best free vpn for windows 11 WITH GOOD SPEED | 👍

In this digital word, privacy and security become really important. The easy and know way to secure this is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). 

The information i shared on the video and this article is the summary which guide you through the process of adding a free VPN to your Windows 11 system.

Method 1: Using VPN Gate

  • Accessing Windows Settings: Click on the Windows icon to open the start menu. From there, click on 'Settings'.
  • Navigating to VPN Settings: On the left-hand side of the settings window, you will see 'Network and Internet'. Click on it, then click on 'VPN'.
  • Adding VPN Information: Here, you need to click on 'ADD VPN'. A screen will appear where you need to add some information.
  • Searching for VPN Gate: Open any browser and type 'VPN gate' in the search bar. Press enter and you will find the VPN Gate website.
  • Checking VPN Speed: Scroll down on the VPN Gate website. Here, you can check the speed of various VPNs to decide which one to use.
  • Entering VPN Information: Once you've chosen a VPN, copy the server name or address and paste it into the corresponding field in the 'ADD VPN' screen on your Windows settings. 
  • Leave the VPN type to 'Automatic'. For username and password, type 'VPN'.
  • Connecting to the VPN: Click on 'Save' and then 'Connect'. It may take some time to verify your sign-in information, but once it's done, you're connected!

Method 2: Using VPN Book

  • Disconnecting Previous VPN: If you're already connected to a VPN (like VPN Gate), click on 'Disconnect', then click on 'Remove'.
  • Searching for VPN Book: Go back to your browser and search for 'VPN Book'.
  • Adding VPN Information: Similar to the previous method, copy the server name or address from VPN Book and paste it into the 'ADD VPN' screen on your Windows settings. For username and password, type the information provided on the VPN Book website.
  • Connecting to the VPN: Click on 'Save' and then 'Connect'. Again, it may take some time to verify your sign-in information, but once it's done, you're connected!

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